Course: Practical Spirituality for your Life Mission

If you are curious about finding direction in your life mission, you might like this course. The goal  is to teach you that you have the intuitive means to connect to your authentic self in daily life by observing your inner world. You will discover the tools to make spirituality practical on a daily base for yourself. These tools will give you clarity and direction in your life mission. 

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220,00 incl. btw/VAT

Remember the tools  of Practical Spirituality for your Life Mission mentioned in the front page:

1. Sense

Become aware of the wonderfully different and sometimes contrasting sensations you experience in this moment. 

2. Align

Know the language of your intuition and align with your unique Soul.

3. Wonder

Be curious and ask questions that keep you focused on what is important.

4. Learn

Discover what you are supposed to learn from your current situation and how it contributes to who you truly are.

5. Live

Make the choices, take the action, start the project or don’t do anything as long as it feels right to you. Enjoy life!

6. Integrate

Create and continue your life path with the wisdom you are human and spirit at the same time. 


This course consists of seven parts:

  1. Introduction: let’s philosophize about what life mission means to you.
  2. Sense: become aware of your sensations and read your own energy;
  3. Align: know the language of your intuition, connect to the Universe, Earth and your Soul;
  4. Wonder: where are you at now and what questions are important to ask?
  5. Learn: what are your life lessons at this point?
  6. Live: what is the next step to take?
  7. Integrate: how can you be human and spirit with the wisdom you have now and choose your life path?

Focus on your inner experiences

Because of the natural serenity and the cosy, intimate living room setting during the course, you will easily experience the comfort and space to focus on your own inner experience. You are safe to go within and to share your experiences.

We use guided meditations, brainstorms and creative assignments. If you wish, you will also receive personalized suggestions to gain more insight into your personal challenges.

You are primarily encouraged to wonder, to look for answers and for your own intuitive methods yourself, so that you discover your life mission every day of your life in connection to your authentic self.

Listen to the "Ontdek jouw Levensmissie" Podcast!

This one is in Dutch, but an English podcast is coming soon! 

Episode 5 is about spirituality and the content of this course.

Practical information

7 classes

We'll devote 7 Tuesday evenings from 19:00 to 21:00 on this course. We'll be working intensely on practical spirituality.

Guided Meditations

You will also access to the Guided Meditations database to make practising spirituality a habit. For example, you'll get guidance on tuning in, focusing and connecting to your Soul.

Theory & practice

We combine theory and practice, thinking and intuition to ask questions and receive answers. There are no right or wrong answers. The only right answers are the answers that feel true to you.


The location is Amsterdam Zuid, de Pijp. You'll receive the address after registration and payment.

What to bring

Take a notebook and pen with you, if you want to write down insights and reflections.

Cup of tea

While philosophizing and meditating, we'll have some homemade, herbal tea.

Spoken language

The spoken language is Dutch, if everyone speaks Dutch, otherwise English.

Pay in terms

If you'd rather pay in terms, it's possible to pay the course in two parts. If you have any other proposition, please contact me.

After this course, you'll gain

enjoy beach silhouette


The language of your intuition is personal and grows with you. Your physical and inner senses work together to create a language that only you can understand. Be open and ready to learn your heart language and open doors in your life that open up possibilities on your life path.

Directions during twilight: how to get clarity. Photo by Javier Allegue-Barros (Unsplash).


Paradoxically, living in the here and now creates the future. When, at the same time, you keep in touch with and follow your intuition, a path to what you want unfolds itself naturally, without any effort. You start understanding that body, mind and emotions work together in unison.

Leave veins - vivaan-trivedii-unsplash


Trust that there is support everywhere at anytime, inside and outside of you. Trusting your inner guidance or intuition gives you confidence and clarity on your path. It connects you to your inner truth that you carry with you at all times, no matter what happens outside of you. It gives you the confidence that the universe is supporting you; all is well and all will be well, even when things seem off or a little while.

When the water is clear, you can see all the pebbles and shells. Photo by Lydia Altman (Unsplash).


Clarity starts when you become aware of where your attention goes to. In choosing what is really important to you, things that are not important will fall away by themselves. And then you’ll realize that the only important focus is making time and space to make yourself feel good.

Crystal amethyst, a gem of intuition and inner peace. Photo by Ilze Lucero (Unsplash).

Inner peace

Clarity grows into a gem of inner peace; the more you connect to intuition, the more confidence and sense of direction you gain. A trust and surrender to the powers of the universe starts happening. And you know who you are.

Approach life 'semangat', spirited, and you'll see Spirit everywhere. Photo by Shawna d'Amour (Unsplash).


When you're approaching life 'semangat', you are spirited, passionate and dedicated! There is a sense of faith, a desire to move on and a surrender to what will come. Your vision is where you are headed to and your path is clearer than ever! You'll see Spirit everywhere.

Appreciation from others

"I attended the workshops ‘Practical Spirituality for Your Life Mission’ by Nesya. Through the workshops I started reconnecting again with myself. I immediately felt a connection to Nesya, she has a warm personality who listens to you with full attention. I have discovered that I already have a lot of wisdom within. During the guided meditations, you get in touch with your soul, you ask what your life purpose is and you trust the ideas that come in. Nesya helps you to ask specific questions and discusses your experience after the meditation. This way, you get closer to your true essence. I experience more peace and confidence in my future. I look forward to an individual session with Nesya!"
- Moska