Meestgestelde vragen
- Je wordt gezien. Ik zie jou. Ik kan meer waarnemen dan op het eerste gezicht lijkt. Ik zie wat je doormaakt op menselijk niveau en tegelijkertijd zie ik je essentie op zielsniveau. Hoewel ik beide kan waarnemen, zijn beide voor mij verbonden met het leven en maken ze deel uit van de menselijke ervaring. Daarom heb ik geen oordeel over jouw ervaringen.
- In mijn leven heb ik zelf mijn portie levenservaringen gehad, wat me een voorsprong geeft in het begrijpen van wat je doormaakt. Ik ben een open persoon en zal hierover, indien gepast, iets delen. Zelfs als ik het zelf niet heb meegemaakt, zal ik verbinding maken met deze ervaring door een poging te doen om je te begrijpen en door verbinding te maken met het collectieve raster dat de energie bevat van gelijkgestemde mensen die dezelfde ervaring delen. Nogmaals, geen oordelen van mij hier.
- Mijn vermogen om naar je te luisteren en jouw authentieke Zelf te zien, geeft me de informatie die ik nodig heb om op je te reageren. In deze reactie sta ik mijn intuïtie (mijn ware Zelf en dus het Universum) toe om de perfecte reactie of informatie voor dat moment aan jou te communiceren. Met andere woorden, ik ben een kanaal van het Universum. Alles wat ik waarneem, zal terugkomen als het perfecte antwoord dat je nu nodig hebt.
- Bovendien voel je je hopelijk op je gemak, verbonden, getroost, begrepen en vooral gezien door mij. Voel je je aangetrokken om kennis te maken met mij, dan is de kans groot dat ik je kan begeleiden in dit unieke avontuur dat je doormaakt.
- Spiritueeltherapie is een geïntegreerde, energetische vorm van psychotherapie zonder het gebruik van medicijnen. Het is een vorm van hypnotherapie, waarbij je wordt aangemoedigd om jouw innerlijke wereld waar te nemen en te doorleven. Het is een holistische, therapeutische benadering om betekenis te vinden in je innerlijke en uiterlijke ervaringen. Spiritueelherapie is ook een energetische vorm van therapie, wat betekent dat de Spiritueeltherapeut energiewerk kan doen en een energielezer en/of healer is.
- Tijdens een sessie wordt door de Spiritueeltherapeut een lichte vorm van trance opgewekt, waarin een veilige en comfortabele omgeving wordt gecreëerd waarin alles kan worden gevoeld en uitgedrukt. Het begrijpen van de boodschappen van de sensaties die in je onderbewustzijn verborgen waren, geeft je de ruimte om te ontdekken wie je werkelijk bent en om innerlijke vrede te ervaren.
- Je krijgt inzichten over jezelf, en over de processen en ervaringen die je doormaakt. Met deze kennis kies je wie je werkelijk bent en wie je wilt zijn. Je zult een sterke verbinding met je Ziel ervaren, de essentie van je authentieke aard, terwijl je menselijkheid wordt begrepen vanuit het perspectief van je Ziel.
Spiritueeltherapie is een geïntegreerde vorm van hypnotherapie, waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van verschillende technieken. Onder deze technieken vallen bijvoorbeeld focussen (= de aandacht vestigen op lichamelijke gewaarwordingen), regressie- en reïncarnatietherapie (= teruggaan in de tijd of naar een vorig/ander leven), voice dialogue (gesprekken met subpersona's), neurolinguïstisch programmeren (NLP, een benadering van gedrag waarbij zintuigen, interne representaties en patronen worden geïntegreerd). Er is ook energiewerk bij betrokken, aangezien de Spiritueeltherapeut meestal bedreven is in het lezen van energieën, waardoor hij of zij ook in staat is om energielezingen en healings te doen. Geleide meditaties worden gebruikt om je in een lichte trance te brengen, waarin je verbonden bent met je onderbewustzijn en je Ziel. Daarnaast omvat Spiritueeltherapie gesprekken waarbij je gehoord, maar ook gespiegeld wordt.
Jazeker, coaching is ook een onderdeel van Spiritueeltherapie. De Spiritueeltherapeut inspireert, ontroert, stimuleert, erkent je door te luisteren, te zien en te relativeren. Je krijgt praktische suggesties hoe je stap voor stap nieuwe gewoontes kunt integreren in je leven en hoe je je meer kunt verbinden met je intuïtie. Je ziel wordt dan meer geaard en je integreert praktische spiritualiteit in je dagelijks leven. Je krijgt inzichten, voelt je gemotiveerd, kent je Ware zelf, voelt warmte en liefde voor jezelf, hebt zelfvertrouwen, weet richting te vinden en geniet van het leven. Je gaat erop vertrouwen dat alles goed is zoals het nu is.
Dit is afhankelijk van de Spiritueeltherapeut. Ik doe meer dan alleen Spiritueeltherapie en ik heb ervoor gekozen om de vrijheid te hebben om te creëren wat ik wil. Daarom heb ik er ook voor gekozen om mezelf niet te binden aan regels die anderen voor mij in gedachten hebben. Die regels passen niet altijd bij mij, aangezien ik vrijheid verlang in hoe ik mijn leven leid. Hierom ben ik niet aangesloten bij een groep en krijg je geen vergoeding voor door mij gegeven sessies Spiritueeltherapie.
Ik begrijp je echter heel goed hoor,… Toen ik in jouw schoenen stond en hulp zocht, had ik daar ook niet altijd meteen het geld voor. Ik ging hiervoor heel erg op mijn intuïtie af (en nog steeds). Ik zocht naar het type energie van de persoon die me zou kunnen helpen en wat ze voor me konden doen. Als ik ze gevonden had, wist ik meteen dat ik van hun diensten gebruik wilde maken. Mijn hart maakte dan een sprongetjes wanneer ik hun sprak of hun website las. Ook al was het toen duur voor mij, op de een of andere manier lukte het me altijd om het geld bij elkaar te krijgen voor de juiste hulp. En anders viel er altijd wat af te spreken.
Dus als één van mijn diensten je aanspreekt en je vindt het de moeite waard om ervoor te betalen, dan zullen onze paden elkaar waarschijnlijk kruisen. Neem gerust contact met me op als je alternatieve opties wilt bespreken.
In mijn cursussen en workshops zijn er aspecten en vaardigheden van Spiritueeltherapie die ik gebruik, zoals luisteren, focussen, vragen stellen (veel vragen!), meditaties begeleiden en meer. Ik zal je aanmoedigen om dieper naar binnen te gaan of op een hoger niveau verbinding te maken om jouw antwoorden te vinden. Ik zal je echter niet dwingen om vragen te beantwoorden waar je nog niet klaar voor bent of om een persoonlijke sessie te beginnen zonder jouw toestemming, als dit niet de belangrijkste focus van de workshop of cursus is. Als je iets tegenkomt dat de moeite waard is, nodig ik je uit voor een persoonlijke sessie of een van de Persoonlijke Levenspaden.
Er zijn verschillende manieren om een afspraak te maken. Kies de manier waar jij je prettig bij voelt.
Voor een afspraak via de website, ga je naar de kalender en kies je de gewenste datum en tijd voor de gewenste sessie. Registreer je voor een account. Via het account kun je je afspraak eventueel verplaatsen of annuleren. Je wordt via e-mail herinnerd aan je afspraak.
If you’d rather contact me in person, you can reach me by sending me an email, calling or sending me a text or Whatsapp message. If you can’ t reach me right away, I will contact you later.
About readings and healings
An energy or aura reading is information in your energy system (or energy field or aura) translated and communicated by an energy reader. As you know, everything is energy. An experienced aura reader is able to perceive and receive information about your energy field and translate this information into palpable pieces of information, giving you insights, clarity and messages about your life. They are able to get information from different frequencies, such as the emotional, mental, spiritual, soul and other levels, that most people are not consciously aware of.
An energy or aura reading can show you the connection to your True Self that you’re not able to see right now. It gives you insight into what you’re dealing with right now and an overview of where you’re at and of the path that is laid out for you.
In general, aura readings and energy readings are considered the same. We call your specific energy field an aura. In daily life, the word energy stands for information that is not directly perceivable and could be any kind of energy. Here, we use aura reading and energy reading interchangeably.
- For you, if you are open to have your energy read.
- For you, when you are curious about answering life questions.
- For you, when you are ready to embrace both yourshadow and light.
- For you, when you are ready to perceive who you truly are.
You might wonder what the intention is with the readings I give. Of course, it’s important that you set an intention for yourself and that your intentions are pure. Usually, people connect with me, because they feel stuck somehow and believe I can give them relieve by doing a reading.
My intentions are:
- To connect you to your Soul and remind you of who you truly are.
- To support you in accepting your humanness and also your Soul.
- To give you information about your life or life path.
- To answer questions about (your current) life and give clarity.
- To gain a different or higher perspective on a situation.
- To understand yourself, other people and to be able to forgive.
- To gain insights into your situation or challenge.
An energy or aura reading can show you the connection to your True Self or Soul that you’re not able to see right now. It shows you a mirror and gives you insight into what you’re dealing with right now. It gives you an overview of where you’re at and of the path that is laid out for you. Furthermore, it shows you where you are blocked, what limiting beliefs you have and what emotional patterns dominate your being. When you gain insights about these, it’s easer to choose who you truly are.
Remember that you only need to accept what is true to you and what resonates with you in a reading. Something resonates when it feels true to you. It is possible that some information doesn’t make sense right now, but they might in the future. This is because a reader has the ability to see things from a higher perspective, and sometimes, especially when you feel stuck in a situation, you can’t see things from a different perspective yet. And if information doesn’t resonate with you, it’s also possible that the reader wasn’t able to give the proper translation for you to understand or resonate to.
You will remember who you truly are. And you will know which next step to choose.
- When you need a different perspective on an issue.
- When you feel the desire to connect to your true self again.
- When you have questions about life or life’s challenges.
- When you need direction or advice on your life path.
- When you want to know whether you are on the right path.
- After you’ve found an aura reader that you feel comfortable with and connected to.
You can ask anything you are curious about relating to a current theme in your life. There are different themes that you can choose. Check out below which themes.
During a physical session, you can ask any questions during the reading. Be patient, though, ’cause sometimes the answers are given before you have asked the questions. Source or the Universe has a way of anticipating.
For a recording, pose three questions in the form that you’d like an answer too.
Remember also that sometimes you won’t be given a clearcut answer to your questions. The universe might want you to find things out yourself and rather give you guidance than the answers.
Furthermore, we are not predicting any future. And if we are giving hunches about the future, know that they always have a positive outcome in the end and that you are able to influence your future and the state of mind you have while entering it in the now. Hunches are also connected to who we see is your Soul, your True Self, and we are always stimulating your Soul to express itself in daily life.
This depends on the which product you’ve chosen.
Have you chosen to do a live session, we meet in my practice space or online, and:
- we’ll have a talk first about what you’d like to know. Maybe you have a specific question about life or sensitivity you’d like me to focus on.
- then you just sit or lie down comfortably and focus your attention on my words and energy.
- I start talking and giving you information. I’m able to sense (see, hear, feel, think, know) your Soul energy, the essence of you. I can also tell what your current struggles are and give you practical advice for dealing with them. I may do a healing using intention, hand gestures, light language and help from Invisible Friends to remove blockages or rebalance your energy if necessary.
- After the reading, we end it by discussing a few points, if you want to. It’s also possible that you feel overwhelmed and just want to go home to let the information and energies sink in.
- A recording will be made, so you can listen back. Chances are that, every time you listen again, you find new information to chew on.
Have you chosen to receive a Recorded Energy Reading?
- you send me three questions you’d like some insight about.
- you’ll get an approximately 45-minute recording to download by e-mail.
- you can listen back to the recording any time you want.
- you’ll receive the recording within 7 working days. I make recordings on Thursdays, so you should have them latest the next Monday if you order before Thursday, or the Monday after if you order Thursday, Friday or Monday.
Every reader is different and has different methods to read energy. In my case, I put myself in a light trance. I’m still able to feel and perceive my body and my surroundings, which puts me in the perfect state to still answer your questions. My intuition is an integrated system of different froms, which means that I’m able to perceive information by seeing, hearing, thinking, knowing, feeling at the same time in fractions of seconds. I am clairvoyant, clairaudient, claircognizant, clairknowing, clairsentient and clairemphatic.
What I do is, I make myself quiet and connect to my Soul, teams in Spirit and the Universe. Then I tune into your Soul essence, your human energies and start asking questions (sometimes in concepts, without words). Almost immediately, I start speaking and translate the information I get. I might tell you what I perceive in images, feelings and words, but I might skip this and just communicate the important information.
Actually, you don’t need to do much. All you have to do, is give permission to open up and let your energies be read. It can be an intimate occasion, because someone is literally able to look into your Soul. If at anytime you feel uncomfortable, please let us know. This can only work when both parties feel comfortable with one another.
For a reading, you might want to prepare any questions about life challenges you have.
Besides opening up, just relax, tune into the energies and let the words speak for themselves. Enjoy! You’ll be surprised what you’ll find out about yourself!
This depends on the which product you’ve chosen.
Have you chosen to do a live session, we meet in my practice space or online, and:
- we’ll have a talk first about what you’d like to know. Maybe you have a specific question about life or sensitivity you’d like me to focus on.
- then you just sit or lie down comfortably and focus your attention on my words and energy.
- during a reading, I start talking and giving you information. I’m able to sense (see, hear, feel, think, know) your Soul energy, the essence of you. I can also tell what your current struggles are and give you practical advice for dealing with them.
- during a healing session, I use intention, hand gestures, light language and help from Invisible Friends to remove blockages or rebalance your energy if necessary.
- after the session, we end it by discussing your experiences and questions you might have, if you want to. It’s also possible that you feel overwhelmed and just want to go home to let the information and energies sink in.
A recording will be made of the energy reading (not the healing), so you can listen back. Chances are that, every time you listen again, you find new information to chew on.
Have you chosen to receive a Recorded Energy Reading?
- you send me three questions you’d like some insight about.
- you’ll get an approximately 45-minute recording to download by e-mail.
- you can listen back to the recording any time you want.
- you’ll receive the recording within 7 working days. I make recordings on Thursdays, so you should have them latest the next Monday, if you order before Thursday. If you order after Thursday, you’ll receive it the Monday in a week.
How I personally work: I tune myself to your energy field, just start talking and information starts flowing like a river. At the same time, a lot is happening in my inner perceptions at the speed of light: I see images and colours; I feel feelings, emotions and vibrations; I hear words, sounds, music, songs; I feel and know things in my heart; thoughts come over me. And sometimes I don’t even notice what is happening inside of me, because the words just flow non-stop. I explain what I perceive, and aim to use words and metaphors that you will understand.
The difference between an energy reading and a healing is the way energy adapts. Generally, the purpose of an energy reading is to gain insights into a situation through intuitive information. The purpose of a healing is to harmonise your energy system. Both ways require from the reader/healer an ability to perceive, translate and communicate about subtle energies.
A healer is also able to influence the energy system, by allowing light and love to heal your energy system. However, healing occurs only if you, as well as your Soul and Higher Self are open to the healing.
During or after a reading, healing may also occur but the travelled path is different. Your energy system is altered from gaining insights into your energy system.
After a healing, you might feel really good or not good yet. Your energy system might need to adapt to the new balance and old thoughts, beliefs and emotions have to find their way out. You might feel tired, uncomfortable or emotional, which is normal. It might feel as if you’ve had energetic surgery. After the new balance has set in properly, you will feel good again and more in touch with your Soul.
The line between a reading and a healing is fine, though, as readers sometimes are also able to heal and healers share perceived insights during healings.
Absolutely! A reading is an energetic interaction between two people. The reader will only get the information from your aura that he or she is able to translate, because he or she can understand the information. A reader with a lot of life experience and inner wisdom will give you a different reading than someone with less life experience. And since every reader uses their own intuitive system and translations, you might get different information from different readers. That is why it’s important that you go with a reader with whom you feel a connection with.
Although this certainly doesn’t mean that a reading from an experienced person is better. It depends on what you are looking for. Furthermore, from this interaction between two people, that which you have in common is highlighted. This means that with every reader, different things, facets, qualities will come up. And exactly this is the beauty of an interaction between two people.
In addition, the outcome of a reading depends on the timing as well. If you want to do multiple readings, I would recommend at least two months in between, because two months gives you ample of time to grow and develop. Each readings will give you the most information for deciding which path you take.
Yes, I am able to connect with people that have passed away, but it’s not my main intention. They may come up in a reading, when they want to remind someone that they are there supporting them from the other side or when they have important information. But if your goal is mainly to connect to relatives or people who have passed away, I would recommend going to a different reader or medium. My readings are about supporting you in living and connecting to your Soul.
Medium literally means ‘channel’. I would say that all people who are able to read and translate energies or get information from Spirit in a conscious way are mediums. However, the popular meaning of a medium is someone who is able to communicate with loved ones that have passed away and with other spirit beings that are usually invisible to the inexperienced person.
An energy reader is a person who is able to communicate information from and about another person’s energy field. This may or may not include communicating with deceased loved ones, spirit guides or other spirit beings. It depends on how a reader gets their information.
I am both reader and medium, but my focus is on reading. I want the reading to focus on your life, by connecting you to your Soul and making you feel good about who you are right now. By accepting yourself, your humanness as well as your Soul, you will understand life, gain a different perspective and move on to realising your dreams.
I also believe that it doesn’t matter how you get your information as a reader or medium. Everyone has their own perception system and therefore their own ways of communicating with Spirit. Also, every reader and medium has different intentions doing a reading. My advice is to look for one who has the same intentions with a reading as you do.