Mission of
Semangat Life Mission

"It's not about knowing your mission, it's about understanding how to find direction and clarity by discovering who you are."
- Nesya

Mission of
Semangat Life Mission

"It's not about knowing your mission, it's about understanding how to find direction and clarity by discovering who you are."

- Nesya

Our mission is to guide those who sense a deep desire in knowing their true, human and spiritual nature and a curiosity to their unique contribution to the Earth.

Our mission is to guide those who sense a deep desire in knowing their true, human and spiritual nature and a curiosity to their unique contribution to the Earth.

We will walk along with you on your life path for a while. We’ll hold the flash light in the dark and light the way to your true, human and spiritual nature. We will inspire you in discovering practical spirituality and intuitive tools, hidden skills and knowledge from within. We will stand by you and encourage you, while you explore the path of your authentic contribution to the Earth. 

We won’t tell you who you are supposed to be. We’ll just shine a light on who you are by seeing who you truly are, even before you know who you are. We will accept your humanness as well as your Soul. We look forward to the moment that you discover that you are exactly who you are and know what you know to light your own way on your life path.  

We will walk along with you on your life path for a while. We’ll hold the flash light in the dark and light the way to your true, human and spiritual nature. We will inspire you in discovering practical spirituality and intuitive tools, hidden skills and knowledge from within. We will stand by you and encourage you, while you explore the path of your authentic contribution to the Earth. 

We won’t tell you who you are supposed to be. We’ll just shine a light on who you are by seeing who you truly are, even before you know who you are. We will accept your humanness as well as your Soul. We look forward to the moment that you discover that you are exactly who you are and know what you know to light your own way on your life path.  

We’ll guide you:

  • in the journey through your inner realms.
  • in connecting you to your True Self.
  • in understanding the full spectrum of your True Selves in all times, spaces and dimensions.
  • while you gain insights about challenges, resistances and blockages in your life. 
  • in asking the proper questions and wondering about life for direction on your life path.

You’ll learn:

  • how to turn spirituality into daily practices you love to do, that work for you, at your own time and in your own pace.
  • how to integrate your spiritual essence and human qualities into  who you are.
  • who you are by experiencing life and understanding yourself from a higher perspective. 
  • the language of your intuition.
  • latent, inner tools, talents and skills.

My personal life mission is to contribute to the Earth as the person and Soul I am. It is to be in service to those who are discovering who they are and how they will contribute to the Earth. 

My personal life mission is to contribute to the Earth as the person and Soul I am. It is to be in service to those who are discovering who they are and how they will contribute to the Earth. 

My personal life mission is to contribute to the Earth as the person and Soul I am. It is to be in service to those who are discovering who they are and how they will contribute to the Earth. 

My mission is to show people the potential of their multidimensional nature by using their inner navigational system to uncover hidden skills, talents and knowledge.

It is to share how to integrate and blend being human and Spirit. To show that we are more than society allows us to be and that we can make choices based on the society we want to live in.

Paradoxically, my life mission also includes not taking my mission too seriously by just enjoying life and my experiences as a human being. To be just who I am and hopefully an inspiration to my loved ones and anyone else who wants to be inspired.

My soul mission is to transform the old into the new.

My soul mission is to transform the old into the new.

This includes releasing the old paradigms that have been ruling our reality for a long time and stimulating others to live from an inner connection with the Universe.

My talents, gifts and skills have been accumulated through many lifetimes, making me the skilled therapist, enthusiastic coach, passionate teacher and attentive listener that I am today. With my clairsentient gifts and skills for energy work and light work, I am able to connect the spiritual realms with the physical reality through the universal laws of transformation and transmutation.

An important skill of mine is making the integration between the spiritual and physical realms clear and understandable to other human beings by inspiring to wonder, ask questions and integrate spirituality in daily life.

In our vision, humanity peacefully lives alongside each other and every, other living being.

In our vision, humanity peacefully lives alongside each other and every, other living being.

The Earth is one of many places in this Universe where many different races and species have been put together to experience spiritual awakening first hand.

The poles have shifted and so has the focus. Now is the time that everything comes together as one. What was once important, doesn’t seem so important anymore. What was once beyond our scope of attention, is suddenly more important to us than ever. In our experiences with opposites poles of a spectrum, we know now what we want. A society where multidimensionality shows us the way to connection and cooperation with the Earth is the main ingredient. 

In our spiritual awakening, we have begun to understand where we really came from and what our purpose is for being on this Earth. We are all here to make the Earth a beautiful place to live on. Let’s follow Mother Nature, hold her hand, sow the seeds she gave us and feed ourselves with her fruits. She is here for us. Let’s understand how she flows and grows. 

We are inspiring you to discover who you truly are in order to contribute to the beauty of this Earth. We want to give you the chance to discover your own beauty and magic from within. You are the beauty of this Earth.

Curious how to discover your life mission and soul mission?