Life Investigators
Life Investigators
A life investigator is someone with a big, bold vision of the world and wonderful dreams, and who realises them through living life! In life, sometimes it’s not always easy to make these dreams happen. However, we believe that every life investigator already has the inner tools to use for realising their dreams.
As a life investigator, you have all these tools:
- you are curious and wonder about life.
- you think differently compared to people around you.
- you are more sensitive about the world around you than the average person.
- you have brilliant ideas, wonderful dreams and a great vision for the Earth, but don’t always know how to get there.
- you are willing to learn about and from life through self-discovery and self-development.
- you are always searching for your own truth.
- you are willing to see the best in other people, to connect and share with them on a deep level.
- you are open to see where your life path or intuition leads them to.
- you are creative, have many talents and know for certain your dreams will become true.
- you have trouble adhering to rules of society or your environment, because they don't suit your way of thinking and experiencing.
The New Generation are Life Investigators
A lot of you from the younger generations (15 to 35 years old) seem to feel impaired to become this life investigator that you are at heart. You come across a lot of misunderstanding from parents, peers and society in general, that you struggle with in daily life.
We strive to give you the time and space to let you figure life out yourself. We want you to be able to bridge spirit and humanness in your life, by honoring both your spiritual and human aspects. We want you to make your own heartful choices, so you can implement your brilliant ideas and manifest the life you dream of.
Here at Semangat Life Mission, we care about your vision and who you are, because we know and see that you are the ones who are able to change society. The world that every one would like to live in already exists. We know that you are the ones right now fighting to be your True Selves and to make the changes that are needed to lift the Earth to the next stage of material and spiritual evolution.
As a life investigator, you want
Clarity starts when you become aware of where your attention goes to. In choosing what is really important to you, things that are not important will fall away by themselves. And then you’ll realize that the only important focus is making time and space to make yourself feel good.
Seeing, understanding and accepting yourself unconditionally gives you the confidence to move. Simultaneously, trusting that all is well and will be well, at anytime, equals an inner relaxation in which you surrender the how and when to the universal powers. When you accept yourself, others will too.
Clarity grows into a gem of inner peace; the more you connect to intuition, the more confidence and sense of direction you gain. A trust and surrender to the powers of the universe starts happening. You know where to go and you know who you are.
In the desire to connect to your True Self, you’ll automatically connect to all life, especially as a Life Investigator. Your inner guidance or intuition assists you in this connection and manifests itself in different forms. Learning the workings of your intuition reinforces the connection to your True Self and shows you who can assist you in your life mission.
Self esteem
Wanting the best for your Self, setting boundaries, allowing yourself to be and have what you want are all qualities that show you are connected to your True Self. Your Soul only wants what's best for you and communicates to you through your intuition and emotions. Do you know how good and joyful it feels when you are aligned with your Soul? Find out and you'll get hooked!
When you're approaching life 'semangat', you are spirited, passionate and dedicated! There is a sense of faith, a desire to move on and a surrender to what will come. Your vision is where you are headed to and your path is clearer than ever!
Contact us if you are curious
You are the ones changing society with your brilliant ideas. We just want to make space for you.