spirituality of life &
Gain insights about yourself and your life. Experience a strong connection to your Soul, the essence of your authentic nature. Choose who you want to be and who you truly are. Semangat, or spirited.
You have all the tools within to discover who you truly are.
Gain insights about yourself and your life. Experience a strong connection to your Soul, the essence of your authentic nature. Choose who you want to be and who you truly are. With semangat, or spirit.
You have all the tools within to discover who you truly are.
You are destined for greatness!
You experience a pull from the Universe
…to contribute to the world from a place deep within the heart of your truest and most authentic self.
Within your physical body, you sense a deep sound from a primal unknown but familiar source, urging you to connect to the Earth, to life and to yourself.
You have questions
A lot. About life. About why you are here now. About where to go. About how the Universe works.
You have dreams
Your dreams are colourful and lively. How will you make them come true?
You have a vision
…of what the world should look like. Your vision is not always clear and it might change through time. Little by little, the picture becomes clearer.
You have a mission
You know you are here for a reason. You long to find out why. You know that you have to discover your own truth.
You long to discover, grow and expand.
Everything you are and do, is to grow personally and spiritually.
You are highly sensitive
You sense things other people don’t. Consciously or unconsciously, you know how to deal with energy. Your intuition is always on the right track.
Listen to the "Ontdek jouw Levensmissie" Podcast!
This one is in Dutch, but an English podcast is coming soon!
Semangat Life Mission aims to bridge the human experience and spirituality
Check out upcoming Events
Meet likeminded Sensing Friends
who are experiencing life on a deep level like you do
Hello, my Sensing friend!
My name is Nesya Rusiyanadi. I was born into an Indonesian family in the Netherlands. Currently, I am living and working in Amsterdam.
One of my personal life missions is guiding you in your life mission. I am a Spiritual therapist specialised in high sensitivity and energy work with a degree in Psychology and Nutrition & Health as well. I’ve developed the skills to sense your true spiritual nature and to communicate about it. I use intuition within structure, meaning I offer a framework but intuitively go with the flow.
I am a Soul Senser, Healer, Lightworker, Starseed and an experienced old Soul, yet still learning from the human experience. I consider myself a multidimensional being with highly sensitive and highly gifted talents and skills. I have a natural curiosity for living beings, their inner workings and the magic that is the universe.
But above all, I am just a human being figuring out Life.
I’ll show you how to use your inner senses as a guidance system to figure life out yourself.
‘Semangat’ is an Indonesian word meaning ‘spirited’ or ‘enthusiastic’. No matter the obstacles, going through life ‘semangat’ means to continue your path with a spirited attitude and mind set, even when things feel challenging. It means to allow spiritual essence in your life and to discover what makes you feel good along the way.
Allow me to assist you in how to discover and understand your human as well as your spiritual essence. In providing you with practical spirituality or the inner tools you already own or new ones you can acquire to gain clarity in daily life. In remembering that the more you struggle, the bigger your dreams are.
Allow me to help you to accept yourself for who you are, for you already are on the right path just by being yourself, right here, right now.
Once you've gained clarity, you'll also gain
You are not your thoughts or feelings. You are a combination of the ever-so-changing set of human qualities and a spiritual essence that we’ll refer to as Soul. Getting to know your Soul creates a unique bond between you and the universe. Only you are able to understand the human and the spirit parts of you. Understanding, cherishing and accepting these sometimes seemingly contradicting parts that change all the time, will give you an understanding of what your place in this world is. It will guide you to your true essence.
Trust that there is support everywhere at anytime, inside and outside of you. Trusting your inner guidance or intuition gives you direction, self-confidence and clarity on your path. It connects you to your inner truth and wisdom that you carry with you at all times, no matter what happens outside of you. You gain insight in why things are happening this specific way. It gives you the confidence that the universe is supporting you; everything in the outside world will always turn out fine, when you feel good inside. Even when things seem off for a little while.
As you are often aware of the split between human and spirit, you are also aware of other extremes within your experience, such as mind vs. heart, the masculine vs. feminine, the parent vs. child etc. Experiencing and understanding the contrast and finding a road that is the True You, is a sign of your ability to integrate human experience and Soul. Furthermore, the contrasts are signposts to your desires, as they lead you to realising your dreams. Have the courage to allow the splits to happen as they come and to learn from them.
You are an intricate, invaluable and indispensable part of the evolution of this planet. Your contribution is needed to bring the Earth to another level of being and living.
You have a unique set of senses, experiences, talents and skills that make you who you are. Your human experiences combined with your Spiritual essence are the key to your life mission. Your contribution brings about the change that only you can make and that we all need. So, be curious about your Self and discover your true essence!
Are you a woman with a personal as well as a united mission?
Then you might be interested in getting together with other powerful Soul Sensing women in circles, to support each other, work on your personal mission and send out love and energies to the world where needed.
Check out the website for Soul Sensing Women on their mission.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- You are seen. I see you. I am able to perceive more than meets the eye. I see what you’re going through on the human level and, at the same time, I see your essence on the Soul level. Although I am able perceive both, to me, both are connected to life and part of the human experience. Therefore, I don’t have any judgments about your experiences.
- In my life, I’ve had my share of life experience myself, which gives me an edge in understanding what you’re going through. I am an open person and will share about this, if appropriate. Even if I haven’t gone through it myself, I will connect to this experience by making an effort to understand you and by connecting to the collective grid, that holds the energy of likeminded people sharing the same experience. Again, no judgments from me here.
- My ability to listen to you and see the authentic you, gives me the information I need to respond to you. In this response, I allow my intuition (my true Self and thus the Universe), to communicate to you the perfect response or information for that moment. In other words, I am a channel to the Universe and everything I perceive, will come back as the perfect answer you need right now.
- Furthermore, you’ll hopefully feel comfortable, connected, comforted, understood and, most importantly, seen by me. If you feel a connection to me, then chances are, I’ll be able to guide you in this unique adventure you are going through or in some other way.
- Spiritual therapy is an integrated, energetic form of psychotherapy without the use of medication. It is a form of hypnotherapy, in which you are encouraged to observe and sense the inner world. It is a holistic therapeutic approach to finding meaning in your inner and outer experiences. Spiritual therapy is also an energetic form of therapy, meaning the Spiritual therapist is able to do energy work and is an energy reader and/or healer.
- During a session, a light form of trance is induced by the Spiritual therapist, in which a safe and comfortable environment is created where whatever you are sensing and feeling can be sensed, felt and expressed. Understanding the messages of the sensations that have previously been unheard, will give you space to discover who you truly are and inner peace.
- You gain insights about yourself, and the processes and experiences you go through. With this knowledge, you choose who you want to be and who you truly are. You will experience a strong connection to your Soul, the essence of your authentic nature, while your humanness is understood from the perspective of your Soul.
- Read more here.
Yes, coaching is definitely part of Spiritual therapy. The therapist will inspire, move, encourage, acknowledge you by listening, seeing you and putting things into perspective. You will get practical suggestions as how to incorporate new habits step by step and connect more to your intuition, so you integrate your authentic Self more into your daily life in a grounded and practical way. You will gain insights, feel motivated, know your True self, feel warmth and love for yourself, have self confidence, know how to find direction and to enjoy life. You will trust that everything is good as it is right now.
There are different ways to make an appointment. Go to the preferred service or product and register. You’ll be contacted for an appointment.
If you’d rather contact me in person, you can reach me by sending me an email, calling or sending me a text or Whatsapp message. If you can’ t reach me right away, I will contact you later.
In my courses, there are aspects and skills of Spiritual therapy that I use, such as listening, focusing, asking questions (a lot of questions!), guiding meditations and more. I will encourage you to move deeper within or connect on a higher level to find the answers. However, I won’t force you to answer any questions you aren’t ready for or to move into a personal session without your consent or if this is not the main focus of the workshop or course. If you come across anything worth looking more into, I invite you to do a personal session or one of the Personal Life Paths.
An energy reading gives you insight into your current situation and energy system, and answers to any questions you have. Depending on the focus or theme of the reading and the moment of the reading, you might get different answers. Not one reading will be the same. You are encouraged to ask your questions during the reading, but you will also get answers to questions you haven’t asked yet. An aura reading usually also involves some healing (see next question).
Energy readers are able to translate non-physical information into words that you can understand and communicate this information to you. You might get information about your own energy system (physical, emotional, mental or spiritual), from loved ones that passed away, from your invisible, spirit guides, from Angels, starseed family and anything else that you are knowingly or unconsciously connected to.
The reason you are getting or asking for a reading is because some information is not readily available to you, because you are going through stuff, feel stuck or something else. The energy reader will give you suggestions, directions and insights about your problems and challenges.
How this information is translated to an energy reader, is individually different and depends on the energy system of the reader. For example, I have a strong visual, auditive, empathical and tactical system. I see symbols, images, dreams, colours; I feel vibrations in and through the air, that also have colour and structure; I hear my guides whispering in my head; I feel the push and pull from intuition in my body; as an empath, I feel emotions that you might be feeling, and I might feel down or up all of a sudden; I get a feeling or knowing whether something is true. Sometimes this all happens at the same time in a split second.
Healers are energy readers that are also able to transform your energy; they are able to pave the way for constricted or blocked energy to move more freely or be purged, so it becomes become one with your whole energy system. Emotionally, this means that your emotions is acknowledged and able to leave you or you it. Mentally, your mind is clear and mental patterns less emotionally loaded. Your energy system is harmonised and balanced. Sometimes, they are able to transmute (neutralise) energy, so that it’s as if that energy never existed.
The way healers work are very unique and different. Some use their hands, some use mantras or prayers, some channel their angels or guides through them or are connected to them in some way during the healing.
I use my energy reading skills, intention, meditation and internal communication when healing. I am able to sense your system and know what is needed and ask for it. At the same time, I am working with my spirit guides and the Elohim, Angels of creation, Starseed families and let their energy flow through you and me during the healing. I put great confidence in the fact that I can only inspire healing that goes hand in hand with your spiritual development and ascension, for I am just a channel.
Right after a healing, you might feel very relaxed, peaceful and balanced. However, you might need to get used to your new balance. This means that old remains may find a way of leaving your energy bodies in the form of fatigue, emotional moods or physical release. It is normal to not feel well for a bit before feeling great!
My readings are not separated from healing, but in the separate healing sessions I might do the session in silence to let you experience what needs to be experienced.
In my case: no. This depends on the Spiritual therapist, though. Since I do more than Spiritual therapy alone and I chose to have the freedom in doing this, I chose not to tie myself down to rules that others have in mind for me. Those rules do not always fit me, since I desire freedom in how I live my life. As a result, I am not connected to any group and you won’t be reimbursed for Spiritual therapy sessions given by me.
I hear you, though…When I was standing in your shoes and looking for help, I would look for the type of energy of the person that could help me and what they could do for me. I would know immediately upon finding them that I wanted to make use of their services. Even though it was expensive for me at the time, somehow, I always managed to get the money together for the right help.
So, if one of my services is calling to you and you feel it’s worth to pay for, we will probably find a way to connect. If you’d like to discuss alternative options, feel free to contact me.